
Read more about Nana Wesley Hansen’s research into four key processes crucial for power positioning, effective negotian, and cooperation.

Negotiation, Communication, and Social Media

Nana’s research offers insights into the use of social media and digital communication platforms as part of the negotiation process. She has studied the use of Facebook during collective bargaining, and examined the digitalization of voting processes and other digital interactions between organizations and their members as integral facets of negotiation processes.

Coordination and Negotiation

Nana has drawn comparisons between coordination mechanisms within public and private sector negotiation systems. She has provided insights into the unique brokering and mobilization that facilitated the coalition-building among unions representing public sector employees in 2018.

Negotiation and Cooperation in the Workplace

Throughout her research career, Nana has explored local collaboration and negotiation dynamics within workplace settings. Her focus is on understanding the interfaces between negotiation and cooperation, and observing how these practices evolve over time. Her research has provided insights into how negotiation and collaboration between management and employees can be fruitful during austerity, and how these processes evolve in post-conflict and radical change scenarios.

Voice and Participation

As co-leader of the “SkillsINCORP” project – funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (2022-2025) – Nana is particularly interested in the positioning of highly skilled foreign employees in large organizations and their opportunities for voice and influence in multinational workplaces.

How to reach Nana

Email address

nha (at)

Work address

FAOS, Department of Sociology
University of Copenhagen
Oester Farimagsgade 5
1353 Copenhagen
DK – Denmark

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